Management Structure

The corporate governance system of SiamWorld, comprising rules and methodologies for planning, management and control, which are necessary for Company operation, was defined by the Board of Director in accordance with regulations applicable to listed companies to the Corporate Governance Code and is based on international and national best practice. Control environment key factors include:

Corporate Code of Conduct

Directors Code of Conduct


        This Code of Conduct sets ethical standards for the directors of SiamWorld Company Limited. Directors will pursue the highest standards of ethical conduct in the interests of shareholders and all other stakeholders.

The following principles shall govern their conduct.

  1. Honesty, Fairness and Integrity
  2. Personal Transactions
  3. Confidentiality of Information
  4. Disclosure of Interests
  5. Abiding by the Law
  6. Payments, Gifts, Entertainment and Travel

1. Honesty, Fairness and Integrity

  • Directors shall act honestly and with fairness and integrity in all of their dealings for the company.
  • Directors will not discriminate on the grounds of people’s race, religion, gender, marital status, or disability.
  • Directors will not make promises or commitments that the company does not intend, or would be unable, to honour.
  • Directors’ conduct, at all times will be such that their honesty is beyond question.
  • Directors shall adhere to the truth, and not mislead directly or indirectly nor make false statements, nor mislead by omission.

2. Personal Transactions
  • Directors personal or other business dealings will be kept separate from their dealings as a director of the company.
  • Directors shall not use the name of the company to further any personal or other business transaction.
  • Directors shall use goods, services and facilities provided to them by the company, strictly in accordance with the terms on which they are provided.

3. Confidentiality of Information
  • Directors will ensure that confidential information relating to customers, the company staff and the company's operations is not given either inadvertently or deliberately to third parties without the consent of the company.
  • Directors will not use information obtained by them as a Director of the company for personal financial gain, nor will that information be used to obtain financial benefit for any other person or business.

4. Disclosure of Interests
  • Directors shall fully disclose active private or other business interests promptly and any other matters which may lead to potential or actual conflicts of interest in accordance with such policies that the Directors may adopt from time to time.
  • Directors shall fully disclose all relationships they have with the company in accordance with policies on independence that Directors may adopt from time to time.
  • Directors dealings with the company will always be at arm's length to avoid the possibility of actual or perceived conflicts of interest.

5. Abiding by the Law
  • Directors shall observe and abide by the laws, rules and regulations concerning business operations.

6. Payments, Gifts, Entertainment and Travel
  • Directors shall not use their status as a director to seek personal gain from those doing business or seeking to do business with the company.
  • Directors shall not accept any personal gain of any material significance if offered.