Management Structure

The corporate governance system of SiamWorld, comprising rules and methodologies for planning, management and control, which are necessary for Company operation, was defined by the Board of Director in accordance with regulations applicable to listed companies to the Corporate Governance Code and is based on international and national best practice. Control environment key factors include:

Corporate Code of Conduct

SWC Supplier Code of Conduct


SWC Supplier Code of Conduct
SWC Business Philosophy and Code of Conduct

     The SiamWorld Company[1] conducts its business ethically and responsibility in line with principles of good corporate governance and commitment to protect, enhance and support society and environment in accordance with sustainable development approach to achieve a balance between the social, environmental and business needs, enabling them to grow alongside each other in a sustainable way.

     The SiamWorld Company has intention to encourage this principle to its suppliers[2], who are significant factors in its business, to pursue this principle and concept in practice and to share such principle with society. In order for proper and mutual understanding, The SiamWorld Company has developed the "SWC Supplier Code of Conduct" for its suppliers as a guideline. The SiamWorld Company encourages its suppliers to conduct their business with ethical behavior, with respect to the liberty and rights, with care for labor and human rights, occupational health and safety, and to pursue the achievement of the "SWC Supplier Code of Conduct" in practice. In the event that the suppliers are incompliance with the "SWC Supplier Code of Conduct", The SiamWorld Company reserves right to take any action considering the affect and damage occurred.

     [1]The SiamWorld means The SiamWorld Company Limited and all its affiliates both domestic and abroad.
     [2]Suppliers mean sellers of goods, contractors and/or service providers to The SiamWorld Company including all their affiliates and sub- contractors of such sellers of goods, contractors and/or service providers.

1. Business Ethics

  • Business Integrity
        Conduct business in an ethical manner with adherence to correctness, honesty, integrity and transparency and strictly comply with applicable laws and regulations and shall not participate in any fraudulent act or corruption, shall not offer, give, promise any bribes, valuable things, gifts or any other benefits including to give any advantages to any person, nor shall improperly influence any action or decision for its own benefit or for the benefit of other person.
  •  Fairness
        Conduct business with responsibility to ensure that every party will be treated with fairness, respect to the benefits of involved persons and shall not involve in the obstruction of equitable price competition.
  • Information Disclosure
        Disclose its information completely and accurately pursuant to the law
  •  Confidential Undertaking
        Prevent leakage of the Company’s confidential information, do not disclose nor use any confidential information of the Company, customers and related parties for its own benefit or for benefit of others without consent in any respect including allow to use the confidential information in any manner which violates the laws and regulations or orders of the relevant authorities.
  •  Intellectual Property Rights
        Respect intellectual property rights of the Company and others and undertake not to allow violation of such rights.

2. Labor and Human Rights

  •  Non-discrimination
        Respect human dignity, equality, and fairness and shall not discriminate against workers on the grounds of physical or mental differences, race, nationality, religion, gender, age, education, marital status, pregnancy, political affiliation, disability or any other matter.
  •  Labor Protection
    • Do not employ child labor younger than legally required minimum age.
    • Female workers shall not engage in work which may harm their health and safety. Pregnant workers shall be protected and provided their legally mandated benefits.
    • Employment of foreign workers must be duly compliant with the regulatory requirements.
    • Layoff-Practice must be proceeded with each step of managing layoffs according to the labor laws. Any employment contracts must not be unfairly terminated.
  •  Prevention of Involuntary Labor
        Do not use or exploit forced labor or against labor’s own free will through the use of corporal punishment, threat, confinement at the workplace, coercion, harassment, human trafficking or any other means of violence.
  •  Wages and Benefits
         Pay workers wages, overtime pay, and holiday pay, as well as provide legally mandated benefits accurately, fairly and not less than the minimum wage according to applicable laws. The wages, overtime pay, holiday pay or other benefits shall be allocated to workers within the specified time.
  •  Working Hours
        Do not force workers to work longer than the maximum working hours stipulated by applicable laws. Working overtime or working on holiday by workers must be voluntary. Workers must be granted holidays and leave as required by applicable laws.

3. Occupational Health and Safety

  •  Safety and Working Environment
        Implement safety systems for workers and involved persons by providing a safe and healthy work environment and reducing and controlling accident risks and health impacts which may arise from performance of duty, transport and service as well as establishing emergency control plans in order to reduce loss.
  • Personal Protective Equipment
        Provide to workers sufficient and reliable personal protective equipment in order to be appropriate for risk exposure and ensure the proper use and care of personal protective equipment.

4. Environmental Management
     Abide by all applicable environmental laws, standards, rules and regulations as well as operate in and environmentally responsible manner, preserve the environment, utilize natural resources efficiently and effectively, conserve natural resources and minimize the environmental impacts of their business activities in accordance with the guideline and concept as follows:

  • Reduce
  • Reuse/ Recycle
  • Replenish

5. Laws and Regulations
     Comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulation